Any business that uses technology is a potential target for a cyber-attack, and the financial impact can be costly.
Hackers are breaching computer networks daily — stealing personal and private information and installing software designed to harm a computer system or deny access until a ransom is paid. Social engineering or phishing scams for access to bank account numbers and passwords are rampant.
While businesses should engage with cyber security professionals to ensure cyber security system is up to date; what if a cyber-attack occurs?
Cyber Insurance is a Commercial Insurance product offered by Steers Insurance designed to protect you and your business assets in the event of cyber loss.
Cyber insurance coverage will provide:
- Technical expertise to get your business networks back up and running; data asset loss recovery and investigate and recommend ways to avoid future disruptions.
- Public Relations expertise to ensure your business’s reputation is properly managed.
- Legal expertise to navigate the legal complexities and cover costs resulting from a cyber-attack, including damages resulting from third party claims.
- Business Interruption coverage for loss of income to your business due to the cyber-attack.
To learn more about Cyber Insurance, please contact a Steers Insurance Broker today.
Contact your Steers rep today
and ask about Cyber Insurance.