Many Canadians who are planning to take a trip unfortunately tend to see travel insurance as an optional rather than a vital part of their travel preparations. Travel insurance from a Newfoundland insurance company such as Steers Insurance is, however, hands down your best option for protecting yourself and your family while you are away.
If you’re still not convinced or just need some further information, then here’s a Q&A that will help explain why you need travel insurance:
What is travel insurance?
Travel insurance is intended to cover unexpected expenses, particularly medical ones, which may come up during a trip outside your province or the country. It covers medical costs which you may incur due to an illness or an injury while abroad, as well as some non-medical costs such as lost luggage or a flight cancellation.
Technically, travel insurance should be purchased when leaving your home province being there are different rules to MCP for each province. It is possible that there could be some out of pocket expenses even when travelling within Canada.
Is travel insurance really necessary?
Yes. Travel insurance is necessary not only for peace of mind, but for the very real possibility that you may incur incredibly steep medical expenses in the event of an injury or illness. Your territorial or provincial health plan will likely not cover any of those expenses, and you may be faced with an enormously high medical bill and little options to pay it. It doesn’t matter how careful you intend to be while traveling, there will always be circumstances beyond your control at play.
What if I already have coverage through my employee health plan or credit card?
Some employee health plans and credit cards boast having travel coverage, but this coverage is usually limited. It may apply only in a few situations or place limits on how much you can claim. Hoping that you only face whatever limited unexpected expenses are covered by your credit card or employee health plan is not a legitimate travel planning option.
Where do I get travel insurance in St. John’s, Newfoundland?
If you’re thinking of taking a trip out of St. John’s, Newfoundland and you’re looking for flexible travel insurance that will cover you even in the most costly and unforeseeable circumstances, then contact the experienced insurance brokers at Steers Insurance today. We’ll go through your travel plans with you and help you pick out the level of coverage that you need in order to get the most out of your trip.