Cabin Fever?

Sunny skies, birdsong, and climbing thermometers… yes, it’s finally summertime in Newfoundland and Labrador. Time to root out the fishing rods, dust off the dinghy, and head for the cabin. It’s an exciting – but very chore-intensive time. Opening up the cabin after a long, cold winter takes a lot more than just turning a key. So, we’ve compiled a checklist to help you get things up and running fast.

Before you go…

  • Arrange for electricity and any other services to be turned on. Call several days ahead to be sure it’s ready when you get there.
  • Make sure your insurance is up to date. Know where the documents are for the cottage, boat, and trailer.
  • Find keys to the cabin, boat, and any out-buildings.
  • Put together a tool kit. Include hammer, nails, screws, hand saw, flashlight, duct tape, and any other items you think you might need.
  • Pack cleaning supplies, extra light bulbs, filters, and charge and pack batteries.
  • Check all lights and connections on your trailer, if you’re hauling one.
  • Finally, don’t forget clothing, water, personal items and food!

When you arrive…

  • Check the outside for damage to power and phone lines, chimney, windows, screens, and check that all structures are intact.
  • Once inside, check cupboards and counter tops for signs of mice or other creatures, and look for any signs of water damage.
  • Replace batteries in smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors, and make sure fire extinguishers are charged and in working order.
  • Replace batteries in flashlights and replace filters as needed.
  • Clean eaves troughs and clear/trim branches as required.
  • Turn on water.

It may all seem like common sense, but when you’re in a rush to relax, it’s easy to overlook something. So, why not print off the list and check it off as you go. And remember, Steers is here with help and advice on helping protect your summer get-away, all year long. Now, bring on the barbecue!
